The Island of Dr. Moreau
Abject – low, worthless, wretched
Accentuation – the act of emphasizing or distinguishing something
Affectation – a pretense or display
Aft – in nautical terms, close to the stern or rear of a vessel
Akimbo – hands on hips, elbows bowed outwards
Ambuscades – ambushes
Anecdotes – short accounts of individual events
Animosities – bitter and deep hatreds
Aperture – an opening
Ardour – great intensity and emotion
Arrant – completely and undeniably so
Askance – off to the side, implying suspicion or secrecy
Attenuated – weakened, lost intensity or strength
Augury – an event or sign that indicates things to come
Bar of deal – a bar of pine or fir wood
Behoved – was fitting or necessary
Berth – a small space sufficient for an action
Bilin’ – a great amount of something
Binnacle – a case that holds a ship’s compass
Blood-corpuscles – blood cells
Bogle – a phantom or imaginary creature
Bowsprit – a length of wood running out from a ship’s bow
Buff-colored –