Symbolic Meanings in Uncle Tom’s Cabin

If you did not read Uncle`s Tom Cabin, written by Harrier Beecher Stowe, you are to fill out this gap in your literature education just immediately. In the XIX century, it was the most popular novel of the 1850s in the USA and the UK too. This antislavery work was highly estimated by millions of readers all around the world. The author of it, small and slim Mrs.Stowe, who fought heroically for the rights of African Americans all her life long, was deeply respected by Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the USA. They say, that at one official ceremony, he proudly proclaimed that it was the antislavery book of Harrier B.Stowe that started the Civil War in the United States for human rights, for democratic values, and for the dignity of all people inhabiting the USA so far.

If you want to know all plot collisions of this milestone work, I think that it is better to read it, though it is more than 700 pages long. And if you are just a bit lazy, several film adaptations are waiting for you. The most recent 1987 film version directed by Stan Lathan is, obviously, the best one. But the book is better, just only while reading it, you could feel all the sufferings of the main characters of this novel, such African American slaves, as Uncle Tom, Eliza, Topsy and others so far.

Eva’s Hair

This book brings a lot of powerful symbols, which are difficult not to notice. Eva`s hair is one of them. While cutting her beautiful golden hair and distributing it among slaves, she made a noble step full of hidden symbolism, she refused from her inner sexuality and underlined the idea of Christian fraternity between her and her African American friends.

Uncle`s Tom Cabin

Uncle`s Tom Cabin is a key novel`s symbol as it is mentioned in the title of the book. The household of Tom and Chloe, in spite of their terrible life of the XIX century slaves, turns out to be very clean and brought the feeling of Christian holiness and domestic austerity. Even in our time, it could

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